Club BOD

Meeting Details

Meeting Date 05 Nov 2022
Meeting Time 20:30:00
Location Zoom
Meeting Type BOD
Meeting Topic Club BOD
Meeting Agenda President Vivek’s address. Passing earlier BOD minutes. Presentation by BOD Members report and tasks President Vivek’s announcements about 3131 district To discuss and pass decisions / resolutions Decide next BOD date and venue
Chief Guest
Club Members Present 12
Minutes of Meeting President Vivek welcomed BOD at the BOD meeting. President Vivek appreciated following RCPM Members:Program Committee, Club Admin team, Monthly Ashwini team, fellowship. Entertaining program Kajra Mohabbatwaa and other programs Previous BOD was held on 02/10/22, Minutes passed. Proposed by Rtn. Ashish, Seconded by Rtn. Amit Each Avenue directors made BOD Members aware of all forthcoming Activities/Plans in their Avenue. 12 BOD members were present. President Vivek made following announcements about 3131 district RCPM has taken decision to host 2 Min Jalwa, as district event, on 20th November. PP Mukund is the Convenor. Marketing has started via direct calling, PPs calling their friends in other club via their cops group. Hoping to meet necessary number of registrations to make the event interesting. - RCPM has also taken decision to participate in District Ekankika Competition to be held in Dec 11-17. Rtn Kavita is the Convenor. Team has decided on Ekankika and efforts are in full swing. - Notification around district election is out and has been sent to all RCPM Members. Following Resolutions passed : Nomination committee election will be conducted. Meeting Ended with Vote of Thanks given by President Vivek at 10.30 PM.