01-04-2021 - 14-04-2021

Vikas Foot is a low cost prosthetic limb designed & produced by Bharat Vikas Parishad, Pune and js most suitable to enable physically challenged patients. RCPM has been doing this project for last 5 years. This year the project was conducted in Rajgurunagr area. Screening was done on March 14th in Rajgurunar. Following the screening, patients were selected 81 prosthetic limbs. To promote the project posters/pamphlets were distributed around Rajgurunar and gave a good PI to Rotary.

Project Details

Start Date 01-04-2021
End Date 14-04-2021
Project Cost 255000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 70
No of direct Beneficiaries 81
Partner Clubs RC Rajgurunagar
Non Rotary Partners Bharat Vikas Parishad, Bombay Women and Children Welfare society
Project Category Disease prevention and treatment