Ye Shyam Mastani magic with Saxophone with Mr. Anil Karmarkar

Meeting Details

Meeting Date 04 Jul 2024
Meeting Time 07:00:00
Location Damle Hall Law college Road
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Topic Ye Shyam Mastani magic with Saxophone with Mr. Anil Karmarkar
Meeting Agenda 1. Meeting called to order and national anthem 2. Presidential announcements 3. Secretarial announcements 4. members program 5. Vote of thanks 6. Meeting adjourned
Chief Guest Anil Karmarkar
Club Members Present 35
Minutes of Meeting 1. Meeting called to order and national anthem 2. Presidential announcements by Pres. Amita 3. Secretarial announcements by Sec. Rajas 4. Handover to MOC Dr. Vishwas 5. Felicitation of guest Mr. Anil Karmarkar 5. Vote of thanks by Rtn. Bhalachandra Joshi 6. Meeting adjourned