Kaalay Tasme Namaah members program

Meeting Details

Meeting Date 01 Aug 2024
Meeting Time 06:00:00
Location Modak Hall Fergusson college Road
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Topic Kaalay Tasme Namaah members program
Meeting Agenda 1. Meeting called to order and national anthem 2. Presidential announcements 3. Secretarial announcements 4. members program 5. Vote of thanks 6. Meeting adjourned
Chief Guest
Club Members Present 27
Minutes of Meeting 1. Welcome everybody members and guests by President 2. Felicitations and presidents announcements districts etc. 3.Secretary announcements upcoming programs for the month. 4.Birthdays and anniversaries in July. 5. Handover to MOC 6. Vote of thanks by Secy Rajas . 7. President to Adjourns.