flexi meeting with nature walk

Meeting Details

Meeting Date 18 Aug 2024
Meeting Time 07:00:00
Location Vetal Tekdi
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Topic flexi meeting with nature walk
Meeting Agenda 1. Meeting called to order and national anthem 2. Presidential announcements 3. Secretarial announcements 4. members program 5. Vote of thanks 6. Meeting adjourned
Chief Guest
Club Members Present 18
Minutes of Meeting निसर्गाच्या सानिध्यात एक सकाळ @ RCP Metro We had a lovely morning leisure walk today with environment n nature expert Archana Pande and Wg Cmdr Pande. Vocabulary आणि GK दोन्ही मध्ये खूप भर पडली... रोज आपल्या आजूबाजूला बऱ्याचदा आपण खूप झाडं बघतो त्यांच्याविषयी माहिती कळली. त्यांचं आपल्या ecosystem मधलं महत्त्व कळलं... Very enlightening indeed. मोई, सलई, कुसुंब, मेडशिंगी, धामण, धावडा, बारतोंडी, हरणदोड ..... ही सगळी म्हणजे आज ज्ञानात पडलेली भर! ? खूप वर्षांपासून खंडित झालेला माझा tekdi walk पुन्हा resume करण्याचे inspiration मिळालेले आहे आज!! ?? The ultimate finale to the outing was the yummy breakfast sponsored by Mukund and Mugdha followed by Mukund's birthday celebration! Special appreciation of Convener Anagha and team admin for a great Fellowship meet. खूप खूप मजा आली... Let us gear up for many more such happy times together in the coming months!!